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Board of Trustees

Sinton ISD Board of Trustees

    Board Members

    Jimmie Alaniz (President)

    Danny Lorberau (Vice-President)

    Robin Brown (Secretary)

    Sam Lankford

    Carol Reagan

    Ethan Garza

    Crystal Saldana

    Board Member Bios and Contact Information

    Board Member Terms

    SISD Board of Trustees Service Terms

    Roles and Responsibilies of the Board

    The operation of the school district at the local level is a shared activity between the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent. 

    • Your school board governs the district, but it does so with the advice of the superintendent.
    • The superintendent manages the district, but he or she must do so with the oversight and management of the board, and within the framework of policies and priorities your board adopts.

    As a board, their responsibilities include:

    • Adopt goals and priorities and monitor success
    • Adopt policies and review for effectiveness
    • Hire and evaluate the superintendent
    • Adopt a budget and set a tax rate
    • Communicate with the community


    Board of Trustees meetings are normally held at 6:30 P.M., on the third Monday of each month at the Administration Building, 322 S. Archer, Sinton.  All Board meetings are open to the public and agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance at the East entrance of the Administration Building in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

    Meeting Participation
    As a regular item on each meeting agenda, citizens who have registered at a designated table may address the Board on matters other than the character or performance of any student, staff, or Board member. The Board may not take action at that meeting on any matter addressed during Citizens’ Participation, but will usually ask the Superintendent to investigate the issue and report back to the Board.

    The seven trustees are elected for rotating four-year terms. Elections are held on odd-numbered years on the May uniform election date. [Policy BBB(LOCAL)]