Special Education Director
Phone: (361) 364-6940
Fax: (361) 364-6942
Special Education Secretary
Phone: (361) 364-6940
Fax: (361) 364-6942
What Is Special About Special Education?
The Sinton ISD Department of Special Education provides students with disabilities valuable educational experiences that prepare them for the future. Each student with a disability has the opportunity to participate in an appropriate educational setting designed to meet his/her individual needs.
Services are provided in the least restrictive environment that allows access to the general education curriculum and instruction with non-disabled peers to the extent that is appropriate for the student.
The Special Education Department provides a full continuum of services to meet the needs of eligible students. These services include general education, resource, self-contained, itinerant services, home-bound, vocational, preschool services for students 3-5 years of age, and early childhood services for children from birth to three years of age.
New to Sinton ISD?
If you are new to Sinton ISD and receive support services through Special Education or 504? If you are moving to Sinton ISD and your child had been receiving Special Education or 504 services in your previous district, please contact the Counselor at your home campus to set-up a Transfer ARD (Admission, Review and Dismissal) meeting. It would be helpful to provide the most current IEP/ARD Committee or 504 Committee meeting paperwork. If you need additional assistance, please call the Office of Special Education at 361-364-6940.
.Child Find
Child Find provides a system for locating, identifying, and evaluating children suspected of having disabilities that need special education services. Sinton ISD provides for the special education of children, ages birth through 21, who have a disability. Children with identified physical, mental, perceptual, speech, language, social and/or emotional disabilities may be eligible for the program. Children with vision and/or hearing problems may be eligible for services beginning at birth. Sinton ISD will use information from a variety of sources to determine eligibility according to Texas Education Agency guidelines.
Texas Transition and Employment Guide
This transition and employment guide is for you, the student in Texas public school, who may have received special education services due to a disability. It also provides helpful information for your parents. This guide has steps you and your parents can take to make sure you are able to find the right work or education choices for you after high school. It also tells you where to get the services you will need after high school. Click on the link to the right for additional information.
Texas Transition and Employment Guide (English PDF / Spanish PDF) - Guide includes transition services; employment and supported employment services; social security programs; community and long-term services and support; postsecondary educational programs and services; and more.
Special Education or IEP-Related Questions?
Consult SPEDTex, the Texas Special Education Information Center. This is a resource backed by TEA to inform and support parents, teachers, and anyone committed to the success of children with disabilities.
Phone: 1-855-SPEDTEX (1-855-773-3839
Website: www.spedtex.org
Office of Special Populations and Monitoring, Department of Special Education
Monday-Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
Phone:(512) 463-9414
Fax: (512) 463-9560
Email: sped@tea.texas.gov