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What is P-TECH?

P-TECH is an acronym for Pathways in Technology Early College High School.  In a P-TECH school, students earn a high school diploma, an industry recognized associate degree, and gain relevant work experience in a growing field. A school is considered a P-TECH if it is designated from the Texas Education Agency, and they have industry partners that align with the campus pathways.



P-TECH offers an open-enrollment program that creates workforce pathways aligned with high- demand, high-wage fields throughout Texas. Students enrolled in our program earn industry certifications, gain hands-on work experience at every grade level, and are afforded the opportunity to earn 60+ hours of dual college credit at NO Cost.



Intentionally empowering all students through learning opportunities to lead the changes of our local and global workforce.




Cultivating leaders into the workforce!




P-TECH Blueprint

The P-TECH blueprint serves as a roadmap of benchmarks and program requirements and supports the assessment of individual P-TECH campus growth. These benchmarks include:

  • School Design
  • Partnerships
  • Target Population
  • Academic Infrastructure
  • Student Supports
  • Work-Based Learning

P-TECH engages students and exposes them to innovation and design in real-world contexts. The course of study meets admission requirements for competitive colleges and aims to ensure that students will have the qualifications needed to keep pace with the job market.

Click for P-TECH Benchmarks
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