We at Sinton ISD, are committed to doing all we can to keep staff and students healthy and safe. With this goal in mind, we are pleased to share that we are taking part in a state coordinated program, offering rapid COVID-19 tests for use in schools. This program will allow SINTON ISD to test symptomatic students and staff, thus reducing the risk to our community. The information below offers further information on the tests and the testing program. If you have additional questions, please contact our District Nurse, Lori Soliz RN, at lsoliz@sintonisd.net.
What tests are used in this program?
This program uses GenBody Covid-19 Ag tests, which provide results in 15 minutes and are administered using a nasal swab in the front area of the nostril (not the deep nasal swab). These tests have been shown to be highly accurate for symptomatic individuals, if tested within 6 days of onsent of illness.
Who will be tested and when?
Covid-19 testing is available for students and Sinton ISD staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. These tests are optional, but we encourage parents to let their Sinton ISD student participate in the testing program as needed. Once they have started experiencing symptoms please follow these steps:
Step 1: If your student is experiencing symptoms, they will need to stay home, just as always and let your child’s campus know.
Step 2: Parents/Staff must complete our online Testing Request/Consent Form by Clicking Here.
Step 3: Parents/Staff must also complete SimpleReport (Application) on the following link: Register Here
Step 4: A nurse will contact you to schedule an appointment or your child may be tested on campus before going home, if he/she is symptomatic at school.
All Welder or Sinton Elementary students must be accompanied by their Parent or Guardian. Understand, appointment time scheduled, will be approximate depending on nurse availability and the cleaning of the testing room after each test.
School nurses will be conducting testing Monday through Friday (school days only) by appointment only.
How will the information from the tests be used?
If a parent has given permission for SINTON ISD to administer the GenBody Covid-19 AG test for their child, the test administrator will call to share the results. All results will be confidently shared (using no names) with the school/district and with the local health department to allow for public health reporting. Individuals who test positive must stay home 5 days from onset of symptoms AND symptoms have resolved AND are fever free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicaton.
Additionally, a Weekly Antigent Test Report will be submitted to Federal, State, and Local health authorities, as mandated.
What happens next?
Tests are available to any SISD students and staff, showing symptoms of COVID-19. A nurse will call parent from the on-line testing request forms received, to schedule an appointment. NO WALK-INS.
Self monitor your child daily, before sending them to school.
If your child is experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, please do NOT send ill student to school.
If you child tests positive, he/she must be kept home 5 days from onset of symptoms or positive test result. Refer to SISD updated Covid-19 Safety Protocols as guidelines may change.